VESTAMID® - consistent in processing, versatile in design
Many of the VESTAMID® molding compounds are specifically designed for extrusion while others are more suitable for injection molding. But the same applies to all of them: the processing properties are constant.
Injection molding and extrusion
VESTAMID® molding compounds are suitable both for precision injection molding of, for example, noiseless gears or impellers, and for demanding extrusion processing, such as multilayer automotive lines, large-volume pipes for the energy sector, protective cable sheathing, or high-quality decorative films.
General information
VESTAMID® compounds are processed mainly in the form of granules. For processing we recommend that you follow the given processing information.
Evonik offers extensive technical service that is dedicated to finding technically sophisticated system solutions together with our customers. This includes support with simulation calculations for developing tools and molds.
VESTAMID® polyamide compounds are supplied as granules in 25 kg moisture-proof bags; octabins of 1,000 kg can also be provided on request. In our experience, the shelf life is virtually unlimited under normal storage conditions if the packaging is not damaged. The storage temperature should not exceed 45°C, particularly for plasticized molding compounds.
Prior to the opening of the bag, the contents should be allowed to reach the ambient temperature, in order to avoid moisture condensing on the cold granules. VESTAMID® granules will slowly absorb moisture from the air and hence any bags that are opened but not completely used should be closed again as tight as possible. Feed hoppers of the processing machines should not be filled excessively with more granules than the processing limit within two hours and should be closed with a lid.
Drying of the granules is necessary only if the packaging has been damaged or the pack has been open for more than two hours. In such cases the compounds should be dried until the water content again falls below 0.1 percent. Excessively high moisture content in the compound leads to processing problems or poor molding properties.
Recommended drying conditions for VESTAMID® compounds
Type |
Temperature [C°] |
Dehumidified air [h] |
Circulated air [h] |
Fresh air [h] |
PA12 PA12 plasticized |
80 -100 80 |
2 - 4 2 - 4 |
2 - 16 2 - 12 |
2 - 10 2 - 8 |
PA1010 PA1010 plasticized |
80 -100 80 |
2 - 4 4 |
2 - 16 2 - 12 |
2 - 10 2 - 8 |
PA612 PA612 plasticized |
80 -100 80 |
2 - 4 4 |
2 - 16 2 - 12 |
2 - 10 2 - 8 |
PA610 PA610 plasticized |
80 -110 80 |
2 - 4 4 |
2 - 16 2 - 12 |
2 - 10 2 - 8 |
80 |
2 - 4 |
2 - 10 |
2 - 6 |
VESTAMID® is not compatible with the other polyamides, and is least to mention about other plastics, too. It shall be noted that even VESTAMID® resins based on PA 12 and PA 612 are not compatible with each other. There is limited compatibility only between PA 12 molding compounds and PA 12 elastomers.
Molded parts of VESTAMID® which contain traces of foreign polymers will normally embody inferior properties compared with uncontaminated polyamide. The weld lines of the melt behind mandrel carriers in the extrusion or behind cores in injection molding will especially initiate a substantially reduced strength in case of contamination with foreign polymers. Before starting production, the processing machine must therefore be carefully cleaned.
VESTAMID® compounds are supplied in a range of standard colors. Special colors are available for orders of viable commercial quantities.
VESTAMID® compounds can also be colored during processing. The preferred method is by using a color concentrate based on PA 12 for PA 12 or PEBA compounds and PA 612 for PA 612 compounds. The same is valid for PA 610, and PA 1010 compounds. Dry coloring by tumbling with finely powdered colorants is another possibility but is nonetheless inconvenient. Pneumatic conveyance is then ruled out. The use of color pastes or color concentration having a "neutral" (e.g. PE) base can lead to incompatibility with PA 12 and hence creating poor parts properties (inferior weld line strength or cold impact resistance). It is therefore essential to check the compatibility of the color paste in advance.
Generally, the working areas of all thermoplastics processing should be well ventilated especially during the production. It is recommended that an exhaust system should be located over the machine nozzles. This applies to an even greater extent when processing molding compounds containing plasticizers or flame retardants.
Under the circumstances of unfavorable conditions, for example given in the processing of excessively elevated temperatures, or during cleaning of the screws by burning off remaining polymer residues, it is possible that small amounts of noxious fumes would be produced. Therefore, the cleaning of screws by burning off should always be done under an exhaust hood.
Further details are notable from the relevant safety data sheet.